Tuesday, October 29, 2013

FINAL PREPARATION: Choosing a JavaScript Programming Track

Khan Academy:
After my tutorial with Khan Academy I can say I have learned a lot.  I enjoyed there walk through tutorial in which I was able to pause the video and experiment with the coding on my own.   However, it was a bit frustrating to have constantly pause the video and sometimes rewind it.  They were extremely descriptive and clear so that the viewer could understand the confusing "almost looks like English" program typing.  I believe someone who may not know anything about computer programming language may come away after using this program with a vast understanding.  Khan academy was the more complicated out of the three programs I used.  This is for reasons they used terminology that may not be familiar to inexperienced programmers.  Also, there was not way of knowing if my programming was input correctly because they did not have a option that reviewed my work.  Also, many times I only got to alter simple things in the existing program language they had provided.

Learn Street:
Learn Street I found very effective as a tutorial.  It is very simple step by step approach.  This is not ongoing video that instructs you, instead it is a descriptive instructional tutorial that allows you to only continue to the next step if you complete the step your on correctly.  If it is incorrect, the tutorial will show you where you made your programming mistake.  Learn Street also provides a chat with is menu if you are having difficulties.  Very easy, very simple, and learned a lot.

Code Academy:
Code Academy is a close second to Learn Street.  It does give you your own pace to work at within the tutorial.  Yet it does expect a little more from you to know as you approach each new step.  With that it is still a relatively simple learning tutorial.  It covers all the basics and really gives a good understanding on JavaScript programming language for beginners.

Conclusion:  Code Academy and Khan Academy both provide the best description for the purpose of programming which is to command and make the computer do things.  However with already having that knowledge I would say Learn Street is the best device to get your hands dirty and understand JavaScript computer programming on a simplistic level while simultaneously providing much knowledge to the tutorial viewer.  With that said all three are good tools.  They all provided basic outlines on learning JavaScript computer programming and I was able to create accounts and start learning in seconds.

Progress Screenshots:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Class 7 Assignment 2

Here displayed in this  image I used the stroke tool to make selections of different shapes and sizes.  There are many creative options that allow for different colors, shapes, pattern, and sizes.

Here in this display I had used the "past into" tool which allowed for me t make selections of the original display and then past an image into that specific selection.  As you can notice the selection areas are different shapes and sizes of the pictures being pasted into them.  You can notice the images pasted into may be cut off and not full images.

In this display I added layered images on top of each other.  Then I selected the transparency slider to adjust their transparency rendering the images below that layer more visible.

In this image I explored the use of "text tool" to insert different texts with different patterns and sizes.  Here I also altered the transparency of the texts.

In these two images I put to use the scaling tool.  The larger image is the original picture which I then resized using the scaling tool to create a new image half its original size. 

Midterm 8

Here is an image of me with my with my girlfriend.  We were at a wedding, I had an awesome time!  If you notice I have lines and wrinkles under my eyes.  Using the blur tool in Gimp I was able to remove them.  This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/@/bc.

Progress Shots:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Midterm 7

This is an image I created in Gimp.  I took an original picture of David Ortiz and added the logos over his eyes.  Originally they were square logos.  I used the ellipse tool to copy the image into circles and then insert them onto his eyes.  From there I re-sized the images to appropriately fit his face.  After I then entered the banner and text below.  This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/@/bc.

Progressive Photos:

Midterm 4

This is a greeting card I created for my character in Cloudparty.  Cloudparty allows for people from all over the world to meet up at a single spot on the internet and interact in the three denominational world.This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/@/bc.

Class 6 Assignment 4

Bitmap Graphic using Gimp

Vector  Graphic using Word

Here I experimented with transforming the half dollars from my previous post into Susan B. Anthony coin.  I found that changing the original half dollar coin in bitmap format from Gimp was challenging because I basically had to start from scratch.  I first had to re-scale the image by choosing the right dimensions, then deleted and recolored.  In Microsoft word I could simply click the coin and re size it from there to a smaller coin.  Ultimately I came up with these two transformations.

Progressive Screenshots:

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Class 6 Assignment 3

Here is a display of an attempt at re-creating the same half dollar as my previous vector graphics post.  However I used a bitmap application called Gimp to create this.  Instead of like the previous blog where that display came from Microsoft Word and in Vector.

Class 6 Assignment 2

Here is my half dollar image I created using vector graphics in Microsoft word.  However the image your are viewing is a bitmap graphic.  I took a screenshot of the vector graphic which duplicated the image in bitmap graphic form.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Class 5 Assignment 1

This display is a piktochart I created to serve as a representation for the Immersive Education Initiative.   I displayed information regarding the mission of Immersive Education (iED) which is to explore and share new technologies and techniques of emerging virtual worlds that offer education purposes.

Midterm #10

Here in this display I created a house landscape using Microsoft Word.  I employed Microsoft's built in vector graphic capabilities.  This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/@/bc.

Midterm #9

In this display I used Microsoft Word's built in vector graphic capabilities to create an image.  This is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at http://ImmersiveEducation.org/@/bc.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Texture Mapping

These top three images are depictions of three dimensional objects that are texture mapped, where they are wrapped into a bitmap image.  Firstly  the grass at the end of the wooden walkway appears to be wrapped.  The second image depict hay stacks are wrapped into a bitmap to give them that realistic three dimensional feeling.  Thirdly the chair cushions are similar to the hay in the previous photo.

Here in these bottom three images there are flat colored objects.  The first images shoes the flat singled colored wall in addition to the flat colored painting.  The second image is the opposite side of the same particular flat colored wall.  Also you can notice my helmet clearly in the second image which also flat.  Thirdly is the roof depicting a single color flat image.