Thursday, November 21, 2013

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google Browser

Example 1: Google Map Cube

 Here in this experiment you travel through a cubic New York, Paris, Tokyo, and many other great cities around the world.  We are all familiar with Google Maps, and this is the same basic concept except on a three dimensional aspect.  This is also a game in which a marble ball must be rolled to a specific destination on the cube.  The viewer must move the cube with the mouse in order the maneuver the ball through the streets and to the desired destination. 

Example 2: Depth of Field
Depth of Field was a video of a group of marble balls taking different shapes as a group.  This video was in extremely high definition and amusing to watch.  This was a short animation but it surly shows the growing possibilities of receiving high quality three dimensional content inside a web browser without a plug in.

Example 3: WebGL Terrain 
Here is this experiment, we are again shown the possibilities of being delivered high quality three dimensional content.  This Terrain video gives us a brilliant animation of parrots flying over a landscape.  The birds fly into focus and then out.  With the addition of the music this experiment becomes an exciting adventure.

FINAL 3: Group 3D Building Project

After everyone was assigned tasks we began construction.  Here is the final parts of the garage I created with help from AJ.  It is being aligned in its correct ordinance in relation to the house.

This view is a good view of the construction of the main house.  The garage is just off to the left of the screen out of view.  I am standing where the drive will soon be.

After the garage was complete, we added a few little details and some objects.  Dan Lynch laid down the drive to connect it to the garage.  I added a few blocks to the end of the driveway to hep complete it.

Here is a third view of the garage with the plant scenery to the side.  Also there is a car, paper airplane, bookshelf, and poster in the garage to give it its completion.

This is a view of the entire compound from ground level.  It is amazing what a team effort can build in a simulated three dimensional world.

This is the final overview of the house with everything completed.  The garage, swimming pool, house, landscape, and driveway came together great.

3D building Project Responsibilities Latter

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Class 10 Assignment 3- The Education Grid

Click on this screenshot to be transported to the Immersive Education website.  The Education Grid is operational community of professors, students, and other individuals who communicate through interactive computer worlds.  These learning environments allow for all members to increase their knowledge on graphic engineering and computer programming.  This  link to the website briefs on the history of the website and community.  It is free and safe to join.

FINAL 5c: My Customized Java Game

This is a screenshot of animated ED logos that eat delicious space lettuce while animated images of my face attempt to those ED logos. This is in Greenfoot program. I designed this by writing a Java code that was then compiled into machine coding which then commanded the turtles to move forward and in circles. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the Immersive BC portal at

Link to Game:

Work in Progress:

FINAL 5b: Greenfoot Lettuce and Snake

This is a screenshot of animated turtles that eat lettuce while animated snakes attempt to eat the turtle.  This is in Greenfoot program.  I designed this by writing a Java code that was then compiled into machine coding which then commanded the turtles to move forward and in circles.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Link to Game:

FINAL 5a: Greenfoot Joc #4 Finally some code!

This is a screenshot of animated turtles with in Greenfoot program.  I designed this by writing a Java code that was then compiled into machine coding which then commanded the turtles to move forward and in circles.  It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Work in Progress:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Final #2- Monocular Depth Cues

 Size Differences: As you can notice there is a row of columns in this architectural structure. As indicated by the arrows, these columns are decreasing in size to assume the appearance of a three dimensional visual experience.  You can notice the specific size difference also when comparing the two highlighted columns.  Because of this size difference it appears the columns are further and further away from us; however, in reality these columns are simply on a two dimensional field and are not becoming more distant.

 Atmospheric Perspective: Here in this image one can make a comparison with the details on each side of the double sided arrow.  In reality, our eyes view things at a distance with less clarity because light reflecting off specific objects are traveling further than off objects that are closer to us.  Therefore closer object are much more clear to us.  This notion is also used to presume a three dimensional aspect to computer graphics.  Compare the wallpaper to the building out the window.  These two are actually the same distance because they are on a two dimensional field yet because the wallpaper is much more clear than the building, it give a visual depth to the image.

 Occlusion: Here in this image the hover bike is occluding all other aspects in the image.  If you notice also the flag is "in front" of the boulder, which is then "in front" of the landscape.  In fact none of these aspects are truly in front of each other. Our visual systems relate this image to our own three dimensional existence where objects that are close to us are actually in front of other objects that are further from us.  Here in this two dimensional image nothing is really in front of anything, it simply appears that way with graphical editing to give this two dimensional image a three dimensional look.

 Linear Perspective: Have you ever stood in the middle of railroad lines.  If you have, you noticed the parallel lines of the railroad are also parallel to our line of vision.  Therefore the railroad seems to become more narrow.  This is a visual aspect that computer graphical engineers use to portray a three dimensional image.  In this image there is a railroad that seems to do just what a railroad does in the three dimensional existence.  To show you that your mind has simply been fooled.  Those two red bars are actually identical in size and shape, and one is just placed slightly above the other.  This is to show you what you are actually viewing is two dimensional, tho it appears three dimensional.

 Texture Density: In this image the wooden floor texture becomes more dense as it appears to become further away.  Because this is a two dimensional field the floor is simply being squished together to give it the more dense appeal.  This visual aspect gives a depth sense the appears very realistic.

Lighting and Shading: In this image the snow mound is coming up from the ground.  The bright lighting on the one side with the shadowing effect on the other helps to give the viewer a three dimensional feel.  This progressiveness of the shadow allows for the mound to appear as a spacial object with enough height to block light, therefore producing a shadow.  This effect give a realistic depth visual.

Class 10 Score Card

To quote the great Kevin Millar- ""This is how we like it. Down and out and then POW!"

Class 9 WebGL

WebGL was created and maintained by the non-profit Khronos Group.  It is compatible with any web browser and fits into all web standards no matter which program you use.  This is for the reason that it uses HTML5 canvas elements and the automatic memory management which JavaScript provides.  WebGL renders its three dimensional and two dimensional graphics in a JavaScript code in addition to a shader code that is preformed by the computers graphics processing unit.   WebGL is supported by most desktop browsers such as Firefox and Google Chrome.  I remember WebGL for its graphical use in Google Earth which I enjoy exploring around in.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Class 9 Cloudparty Building Assignment

These images here are screenshots of my building efforts in Cloudparty.  I chose the deserted island as my basic map to build upon.  As you can see I built a tower of basic home furniture.  There is no real purpose to the structure except for getting creative and exploring the constructional  possibilities within Cloudparty.  However, I believe it would be a pretty to sit and relax on the couch up top.

Cloudparty in comparison to building in the open simulator is much more easy.  There are basic measurements with the specific objects already in place in cloud party.  However, the open simulator has much more room for unique and person creation.  Personally I found the open simulator much more difficult to grasp.  I was constantly constructing objects to align together only to discover that they were not in fact align.  My angle of view was deceiving.   It was only when I began to fly around my objects and measure them up that it began to become easier.  In Cloudparty this type of measuring is not needed. With that said I would have to give my vote to the open simulator as better all around because its vast construction possibilities out weight the simplicity of cloud party.